Natural History and Archaeological Museum (English)
Updated to: 31/05/2022

NB - Covid-19: entry procedures for museums
The green pass is no longer mandatory from 1 May 2022. It is strongly recommended to wear the surgical mask.
The Natural Archaeological Museum is divided in two main sections: Natural section and Archaeological section. The first section is dedicated to the land features of the Berici hills, whose environment presents different species of fauna and flora.
The Archaeological section exhibits significant proofs connected to Vicenza’s ancient history, from prehistory to the Lombardic era.
The archaeological section presents a rich collection of stone tools showing the human presence on Berici hills from the Middle Palaeolithic era; the collection also offers testimonies of human settlements from the Neolithic and Bronze Age in the Fimon Valley, with the famous squared-mouthed pots discovered in the Molino Casarotto settlement.
Other pieces date back to the Iron Age, among these, there are the famous copper decorated votive plates founded in a sanctuary anciently located next to Piazza San Giacomo, which testify human presence and activities in this place of worship from the 4th to the 1st century B.C.
Decorative and architectural remains of the Berga Roman Theatre and the cryptoporticus of Piazza Duomo date back to the Roman Age. A special area is dedicated to the Roman amphorae found in Vicenza, along with mosaic fragments founded in the city centre. A statuary collection founded in Rome and donated by Gerolamo Egidio di Velo at the beginning of the 19th century, is also on show in the Museum.
The exhibition also includes a rich series of pieces linked to the Lombardic presence in the Vicenza territory.
The museum is located within the premises of the two Dominican cloisters of Santa Corona church. On the northern side of the church there is a minor cloister from the 17th century. On the opposite side, the remains of an ancient library destroyed during the Second World War are still visible.
This library, probably designed by Rocco da Vicenza and built between 1496 and 1502, is located between the minor cloister and a second one, erected in the second half of the 15th century; this cloister offers Vicenza stone columns with Gothic capitals dating back to the 15th century.
Subsequently, Muttoni designed the western walls, that was repeatedly tampered with following interventions.
The cloister halls hosted the fathers of the Dominican convent and the Inquisition Office from the 16th to the 18th century.
In 1811, the complex housed the city council, an Austrian military hospital and, later, some schools (1867).
In 1823, following interventions brought to the building of the present façade with a threefold ionic entrance on a rustic base, designed by Angelo Casarotti da Schio.
In 1877, the building was chosen by the industrialist Alessandro Rossi to host the prestigious Istituto Tecnico Industriale (Technical-Industrial School), that, in 1911, changed its name in “Istituto Tecnico Industriale Alessandro Rossi”. The building hosted this school until 1962.
In September 1991, after some works of refurbishment, the Natural Archaeological Museum was opened.
Educational activities
For the 2021-2023 three-year period, the educational service of Vicenza’s Civic Museums has been assigned to Scatola Cultura, a non-profit cooperative that offers a very far-reaching program, with several types of educational courses for the various age brackets, from primary school to high school.
Download here the brochure with educational activities
For information on educational activities:
tel. 3483832395,,
For bookings: Call Centre: +39 0444 964380 – Monday to Friday 9:00 to 18:00, Saturday 9:00 to 14:00.
Click here for information on prices and ticket offices
Privates, concessions for events and shows
Prices and forms available at:
Where and when
Natural Archaeological Museum
Address: Contra' Santa Corona 4
Phone: 0444222815
Opening hours:
- september 2023: from 10.00am to 6.00pm (last admission 5.30pm)
- Winter timetable: from 1 September to 30 June, from Tuesday to Sunday from 9 am to 5 pm (last entry 4.30 pm)
- Summer timetable: from 1 July to 31 August: from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 2 pm (last entry 1.30 pm)
Closing: Monday, 25th december and the 1st of January
Special openings for public holidays 2023: 2nd and 6th January, 9th, 10th, 24th and 25th April, 1st May, 2nd June, 14th and 15th August, 8th September, 1st November, 8th and 26th December
Special openings for public holidays 2024: 6th January
Website: Civici Museums
Ticket Office
Iat, Tourist reception information
Address: Piazza Matteotti 12
Phone: 0444320854
Opening hours:
- from September to June: everyday from 9 am to 5.30 pm
- July and August: everyday form 9 am to 6 pm
- closing days: 25th December and 1st January
Booking is mandatory for groups and schools (Olympic Theater and Palazzo Chiericati City Museum):
- Call center 0444964380 (Operating from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 1 pm, and from 2 pm to 6 pm (closing days: 25th of December and the 1st of January)
- Email:
Booking fees:
- groups (min 10 max 25 people): 10 euro
- schools: 5 euro a class
Tickets online
Infopoint and Ticket Office
Basilica palladiana
Address: Piazza dei Signori
Phone: 0444222855
Opening hours:
- closed 23th February 2024
- opened from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 18 pm (Monday closed)
Website: Consorzio Vicenza è